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Alejandra Rojas
Alejandra Rojas

Alejandra Rojas

Money Coach

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Money Coach | Podcaster | Host of the Bye Bye Credit Card Debt🎉Facebook Group. 

👩‍💻 Money Coach helping women in money distress to take control of their finances to be unapologetically Happy and debt free.

👀 As seen in: She Owns it, Thrive Global, YSF Magazine, Elephant Magazine.

👐 Connect with me IG! @alejandrar_coach 

🎙 Listen to The Happy And Wealthy Podcast in all of the platforms.

Ready to be CC debt free Join the “Bye Bye to your credit card debt 🎉”


You need to talk about money, and 95% is is something BAD!! Everything would be so much easier if you didn’t have to think about the price behind every dream or goal. Right?

You are not alone! ✨I feel you. I know that feeling of seeing money coming your way and knowing in your head that you have increased your income but at the end of the month, you have no idea where your money is going, just because you don’t have money to pay all your bills.  

And what is worse, when no one is around you, you feel you have worked so hard, but still, you are not living to your fullest because of money.

✨This is the exact reason why I create a group to keep each other accountable when it comes to achieve  financial goals, Join my Facebook Group ✨

🔥 WHAT COULD BE MORE IMPORTANT than fulfilling your own life with your definition of success? 

Well, Here was the problem, I wasn't doing any of my definition of success, and still, money was being spent.

🔥 MY MISSION help you with different  strategies that help you to claim your Financial freedom back an allows you to be 100% yourself to enjoy the only life that we have, THIS one.



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Alejandra Rojas

Member since 4 years ago
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