Editorial Guidelines

What is an op-ed?

An op-ed, short for “opposite the editorial page,” is an opinion essay written by an AMIGOS staff writer or by an outside contributor. These op-eds should have a clear message and point of view, backed up with factual evidence. While AMIGOS may choose to publish a particular op-ed, it does not mean that the opinion reflects that of AMIGOS – in fact, it may actually contradict the opinion of the AMIGOS Editorial team. 

Guidelines for submitting an op-ed

All submissions should be limited to 1,000 words, although we may accept submissions that may be slightly longer or shorter in length on a case-by-case basis. 

AMIGOS will accept both completed articles, as well as article proposals. Any submission should include the writer’s full name, as anonymous op-eds will not be considered.  Additionally, we ask all submissions to include the writer’s email address and phone number, as well as disclosure of any tangible interest the writer may have in subject matter. 

How are op-ed contributions selected?

AMIGOS reviews all submissions and looks for several key factors, including:

Timeliness: Is this something tied into recent events and fits the current news cycle?

Subject matter: Is this something that our readers will find interest in? Is the argument fresh and hasn’t been heard before?

Expertise: How does your experience inform your perspective? You don’t need an important title to publish your op-ed with AMIGOS, but we do take your background into consideration when reviewing your submission. 

When will I know if my op-ed has been selected?

AMIGOS does our best to read all submissions in a prompt and timely manner. If you don’t hear from us within 5 business days, it’s safe to assume we won’t be able to use your op-ed.

Are op-eds edited?

While AMIGOS is careful not to alter the writer’s voice or opinion, we do reserve the right to make any and all decisions surrounding headlines, and may edit submissions for clarity. We also reverse the right to add expert quotes and links to your piece, where our Editor and readers feel this would add authority. Our Editor and readers will also fact check and copy edit submissions for grammar, style, and length. 

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding the above standards, or wish to learn more, please contact us here.

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