Madeline Cruz McKnight


Helping you cultivate & strengthen your skills

A first-generation bilingual Latina, mom of 3, raised by hardworking, entrepreneurial grandparents who was taught the path to success was a job desk in a cushy job with benefits. The education and career in law I pursued was fulfilling and made my grandparents proud but I knew there was more to life than a 9-5. As a first generation Latina, I bore the responsibilities of caring for family while also navigating college and adult life on my own. I wanted more from life, and took strength and inspiration from my grandparents own entrepreneurial journey as farmers, seamstress, baker and many other hustles, to build a business while using my 9-5 as my first investor. This lead me to build a profitable business in under 2 months and now I my mission is to teach you how to cultivate and strengthen your skills to build the business that gives you freedom and choice. 

In my 1:1 Program #ProfitableLatinas, I help you develop a strong strategy for marketing your business using social media that converts those followers into paying customers and doesn’t leave you feeling burnt out from confusion about content creation or icky from selling!

Invest in yourself and elevate your business – Join my 1:1 program today by clicking here. 

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